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时间:2020-05-11  来源:未知  点击:454次

When you’re on vacation you want everything to be easy and relaxing. And for many, apart from resting and exploring our destination of choice, we would also like to be able to communicate with the locals.由于英语是美国的母语语言,我也讲西班牙语相当流利,通过任何讲英语的国家旅行,拉丁美洲和很坦率地说,世界上大多数国家(由于英语的全球化),一向容易。即使在巴西也不难理解葡萄牙语,因为它与西班牙语有很多共同之处。即使在加勒比地区旅行,尽管我在一种法语 克里奥尔语的地方感到有点无知,但我仍然可以理解一些事情。Since English is my native language, and I also speak Spanish quite fluently, traveling through any Englishand quite frankly, most of the world (thanks to the globalization of the English language), has always been easy. Even in Brazil there was no great difficulty in understanding Portuguese, since it has so much in common with Spanish. And even while traveling in the Caribbean, though I felt a bit clueless in the places where a sort of French creole is spoken, I could still understand a few things. 在我的上一个假期我在参观了岛上加勒比,阿鲁巴。我知道这是荷兰王国的一部分,所以我想象荷兰语将是那里的主要语言之一。我学习了荷兰语三年,认为能够练习一下它会很有趣。离委内瑞拉也非常接近巴西,我也想到我可能会得到一点西班牙语或葡萄牙语,或至少是英语。但是,当我到达了岛上,开始听人说话,我很快就意识到我失去了语言:什么当地人来说是一种克里奥尔语称为“Papiamento “。这不是西班牙语,它不是葡萄牙语,它不是荷兰语,而不是法语,最好的是,这些语言的结合,与非洲影响的一点点冲突。所以我发现自己问:这是一种语言吗?On my last vacation I visited an island in the Caribbean, Aruba. I knew that it was part of the Kingdom of Holland, so I imagined that Dutch would be one of the main languages spoken there. I studied Dutch for three years, and thought it would be fun to be able to practice it a little. Being so close to Venezuela and also very close to Brazil, I also imagined that I could probably get by with a little Spanish or Portuguese, or at the very least, English. But when I reached the island and began listening to the people speak, I soon realized that I was linguistically lost: what the locals were speaking was a kind of creole called “Papiamento“. It’s not Spanish, it’s not Portuguese, it’s not Dutch, and it’s not French … at best, it’s a clash of all these languages combined, with a hint of African influences. So I found myself asking: Is this a language? 那是当我了解到,Papiamento(一个来自西班牙语parlamento或“议会”的单词)实际上是一种克里奥尔语,而且自2003年以来,是阿鲁巴的官方语言。也在阿鲁巴邻近的库拉索岛和博内尔岛上说道。它源于殖民者,奴隶和探险家所带来的主要语言的汇合,从而创造出这种独一无二的语言。That was when I learned that Papiamento (a word derived from the Spanish word parlamento or “parliament”) is in fact a Creole language, and since the year 2003, the official language of Aruba. It is also spoken on Aruba’s neighboring islands of Curaçao and Bonaire. It arises from the confluence of the main languages brought over by the colonizers, slaves and explorers, thus creating this onelanguage. 了解Papiamento绝对是一个挑战,虽然我学习了一些基本的短语,如“bonbini”(欢迎),“bon nochi”(晚安)和“kon ta ku bida?”(你好吗?幸运的是,阿鲁比亚人说完美的英语和西班牙语,我所了解的两种语言,以及荷兰语,葡萄牙语和法语。它是一个美丽的岛屿,他们说,“快乐的岛屿”,吸引了来自世界各地的游客。最后,我的旅行的沟通方面没有那么具有挑战性,并且接触到这个未知的(对我来说)语言为我的旅程增添了一个异国情调和迷人的元素。It was definitely a challenge to understand Papiamento, although I did learn some basic phrases such as “bonbini” (welcome), “bon nochi” (good night) and “kon ta ku bida?” (How are you?). Luckily, the Arubians speak perfect English and Spanish, both languages that I do understand, as well as Dutch, Portuguese and French. It is a beautiful island, as they say, “the happy island”, which attracts tourists from all around the world.  In the end, the communication aspect of my trip wasn’t so challenging, and coming into contact with this unknown (to me) language added an exotic and fascinating element to my trip.
