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中国重要时政术语英译报告(2019年度)- 科学技术 _瑞科上海翻译公司
时间:2021-03-14  来源:未知  点击:120次

中国紧张时政术语英译讲述(2019年度)- 科学技术 _瑞科上海翻译公司

  科学技术 Science and Technology

  1. 科技翻新引领
  scientific and technological innovation as the driving force
  2. 国度策略科技力气
  to build up China’s strategic capacity in science and technology
  3. 科技伦理管理体系体例
  a regulatory system for ethics in science and technology
  4. 人工智能引领的新一轮科技反动跟产业厘革
  a new round of scientific and technological revolutions and industrial 中国重要时政术语英译报告(2019年度)- 科学技术 _瑞科上海翻译公司 transformations led by artificial intelligence
  5. 鞭策新一代人工智能安康开展
  to boost healthy development of the new generation of artificial intelligence
  6. 脑科学
  brain science
  7. 传感网
  sensor network
  8. 世界智能大会
  World Intelligence Congress (WIC)
  9. 重组国度重点实验室系统
  to restructure the system of key national laboratories
  10. 扶植庞大翻新基地跟翻新平台
  to build major innovation bases and platforms
  11. 美满产学研协同翻新机制
  to improve the mechanism for collaborative innovation among enterprises universities and research institutions
  12. 增强庞大翻新范畴策略研判跟前瞻布置
  to strengthen strategic research and forward-looking deployment concerning major innovation
  13. 做好系统性科技策略结构
  to make a systematic strategic layout of science and technology
  14. 美满技巧市场
  to improve the technology market
  15. 施展科技型民企的翻新引领作用
  to give full play to private sci-tech enterprises in innovation
  16. 展开名目经费利用“包干制”革新试点
  to launch a pilot scheme of lump-sum project-funding
