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时间:2020-07-21  来源:未知  点击:66次

  发布者:上海翻译公司 发布时间:2013-1-17

  英语长句的特点是结构整齐,逻辑缜密,上海翻译公司认为在避免重复使用同一个词,用who、which或that代替主语和宾语,翻译时要注意根据意群,将其拆解为简单句,再根据逻辑关系综合使用倒置、重组和翻译公司口译长句不难处理 合并等手段译成地道的汉语。而汉语长句的特点是“形散神不散”,需要译员根据句子内在的逻辑进行重组,尤其在处理典型的“包孕型”长句时,译员应使用分流等技巧,在综合运用口译方法时,可保证译员准确有效的完成整个的翻译任务,翻译公司在这方面应该是体会最为深刻的,针对口译情况给大家总结出这些方法:



  译文:With regard to when the full convertibility of RMB can be realized, that is to say, the convertibility of RMB also under the capital account, according to our set schedule, that would take some time.

  汉语中有不少以“对于”、“关于”、“至于”等分流词引导出的结构,英语也有分流引导词,如With regard to…, With reference to…, As for…, On the question of…,等等。


  原文:If you have a lot of personal freedom, some people may abuse it. But if you are so afraid of personal freedom because of the abuse, that you limit people’s freedom too much, that you pay, I believe, an even greater price in a world where the whole economy is based on ideas and information 翻译公司口译长句不难处理and exchange and debate and children everywhere dreams and feeling they can live their dreams out.



  原文:So today, I want to talk to you about what I believe has to be the agenda of a leader of any enterprise—business ,government agency, university, hospital, bank anywhere in the world—the agenda regarding this technology.



  原文:We have to choose between a global market driven only by calculations of short-term profit, and one which has a human face; between a world which condemns a quarter of the human face to starvation and squalor, and one which offers everyone at least a free-for-all in which we ignore the fate of losers, and a future in which the strong and successful accept their responsibilities, showing global vision and leadership.

  译文: 我们是要一个由短期利润估算来驱动的全球市场,还是要一个富有人情味的全球市场?我们是要一个使世界四分之一的人口处于饥饿境地和恶劣环境,还是要一个为每个人提供致富机会和健康环境?我们是愿意现在陷于一场无视失败者命运的自私的混战之中,还是在未来成为高瞻远瞩、具领袖风范、勇于承担责任的强者和成功者?这一切都需要我们做出抉择。


  原文: In recent history, China, as a nation, and we, as a peopl如何治疗不孕不育e, have been through days of glory and times of 塘沽不孕不育医院despair. We have lived through days of hope, prosperity and glory. We have lived through days of despair, humiliation and hopelessness. The lesson is clear: the most precious possession of any nation or any people is the ability to chart one’s own future, to be the master of one’s 翻译公司口译长句不难处理 destiny.

  译文: 中华民族的近代历史经历了荣辱兴衰,这里的教训是明确的:一个国家一个民族最可贵的是能够规划自己的未来,掌握自己的命运。



  译文:Second, we have always hoped that Hong Kong will move towards prosperity as quickly as possible after its return. Now Hong Kong is hit by the financial crisis and it is trying to maintain a pegged exchange rate. The devaluation of RMB is very unfavorable to the pegging. If Hong Kong collapses, the impact on the economy of the mainland areas will be huge. Therefore, RMB should not be devalued for the stability of Hong Kong.

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